About us
Isn `t it a dream to have a website with many free online tools?
Yes it is. That `s why this team of programming addicts decided to join and create this beautiful website that you see.
We don`t want to be good, we want to be the best free site with incredible and useful tools.
Spread the word, we deserve it.
Our great toolsFree online tools for Web developers and Designers
Base64 decode
Base64 encode
Text to HEX Convert
Binary to Text Convert
Character Counter
Compress PNG, JPG and GIF
DNS Lookup
Extract E-mails From Documents
Image Extractor
Extract URLs From any Document
Get Facebook ID
HEX to Text Convert
Hex Color to RGB ConvertHTML Decode
HTML Encode
Convert PNG and JPG to WebP
Convert JPG to PNG
Minify JS, Json, HTML & CSS
Morse Code to Text Convert
Convert PNG to JPG
Remove Line Breaks
Resize Images
RGB Color to HEX Convert
See my IP, city and country
Text to Morse Code Convert
Text to lower case
Text to Binary ConvertDecode Unicode textEncode Unicode textURL Decode
URL Encode
Convert URLs to PDF Documents
UTF-8 Decode
UTF-8 Encode
Word CounterWord Counter
Calculate Words on Text or Document
We try to offer you the best online tools to easily develop your projects, and without any installation. We want to have the best online tools for programmers and developers, like this Word Counter
We have tools to convert, compress, extract and many others, all available free of charge and available to anyone.
Help us spread the word about this site. Show it to your web developer friends.
Do you think something is missing from our website? We want to have the most complete online tools. Tell us what´s missing!